Best Beauty Suppliers Dubai: Cooking isn’t the only thing you can do in the kitchen. So here’s a friendly reminder that fresh ingredients from the fridge—and pantry—can be used to make winning beauty treatments at home. Yes, you can use Body Care Products regularly, but these are good for the weekends when you have enormous time. So, the next time you have a spare half of an avocado (after your morning toast), make a hydrating hair mask out of it.

A skin-tightening mask prepared with egg whites is also on our list (which is said to reduce the appearance of fine lines temporarily).

We love a good skincare hack that uses products you already have in your home—an all-natural approach to refresh your skin with simple, everyday ingredients.

This weekend, head to your kitchen and follow these step-by-step directions for a budget-friendly beauty-focused self-care day. DIY is ready to go.

  • Turmeric and Oatmeal Face Mask (Anti-Inflammatory)


  1. A half-cup of oats
  2. Tablespoons coconut oil two teaspoons turmeric
  3. Filtered water, 1/2 cup


1. In a food processor, combine the oats and turmeric.

2. Slowly pour the oil and water into the processor.

3. Use warm water to wash your face.

4. Put on the face mask and let it on for 15 minutes.

5. Finish with a rinse.

  • Cucumber Eye Mask is a cooling cucumber eye mask.


One cucumber (cool)


1. Cut two cucumber slices into 1/4-inch thick pieces.

2. Place on the eyelids and relax till they warm up.

3. Put these over your eyelids if you’re wearing a face mask.

  • Avocado Hair Mask (Nourishing)


  1. 1 avocado (ripe)
  2. Two teaspoons honey 2-3 tablespoons coconut oil
  3. 1-2 mL essential oil (we prefer lavender)


1. Combine all of the ingredients in a blender.

2. Distribute the hair mask evenly throughout the hair, ensuring it is completely covered.

3. Leave the mask in your hair for 30 minutes or until completely dry.

4. Rinse well with warm water.


So, what’s keeping you distant? All you got to do is, apply these 3 D-I-Y treatments over the weekends, and your body and skin will witness an immense change. Apart from this, you can shop for different Body Care Products at International Beauty Supplies LLC. We can even offer you the best Castor Oil for Hair Repair or/and Castor Oil in Hair Benefits!