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Classic Smoothing Gel 8oz

How to use:

• Best if applied to clean, damp hair. Use a spray bottle to dampen hair if necessary.

Apply gel and smooth down, using your fingers or a soft natural bristle brush.

• Allow hair to dry completely before touching it again.

• For next-day refreshing, dampen the area where the gel was applied, and smooth.


• The cleaner your hair is when you apply the Smoothing Gel, the better the results…more hold, more shine.

• The less oil on your hair, the better the hold.

• The gel can be easily re-activated by smoothing with damp fingers.

• To reinforce the hold, tie a scarf or place a wide headband on your hair for several minutes.

• Don’t “disturb” the hold by combing or brushing the smoothed-down hair once it is dry.

• Apply the Smoothing Gel to the hairline for twisted, off-the-face and head-banded styles, (like mine!), or smooth your entire crown, nape and/or sides for a fabulous puff or ‘frohawk look.

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