Skin Care Products Dubai

Beauty Hacks By Best Beauty Suppliers Dubai!

International Beauty Supplies LLC gets celebrated as one of the most reliable beauty products suppliers in Dubai, and therefore- we know hacks that thousands of people are unaware of. So, are you excited? Of course, you are- who doesn’t love a beauty hack? After all, beauty hacks are cute. They help save time, product, skin, and mostly money.

The time we spent in the beauty industry has helped us learn our fair share of life-changing, time-saving hacks, and today we want to spread our knowledge to the world. Yes, you must learn these because your skin needs a little more attention than solely skin care products Dubai can offer. All these hacks are worth your time- you have to stay consistent at following them. 

  1. Let us start with one of our favorite makeup hacks. If you want to flaunt a tinted body lotion, try mixing foundation with a drop of illuminizer (best if liquid) with body lotion. Later apply it smoothly to your body. It will gently cover imperfections and redness, it will even your skin tone, and give you an overall glow. 
  1. It is essential that you clear every material that touches your face. By that, we mean- even things like your sunglasses. Yes, that is true. Wipe your eyewear and mobile phones daily with sanitizer or alcohol. You know the bacteria and dust on these can leave you with horrible skin breakage. 
  1. If you need clean skin, you must start preaching clean pillowcases and bedsheets. The dirty sheets can lead to severe breakouts on the cheeks. Hence, change these regularly. 
  1. For all the people with big dark circles and puffy eyes, this hack can be life-changing or let’s say face-changing. Keep a spoon in the freezer and hold it under your eyes to eliminate puffiness and aid in blood circulation. But ensure the spoon is not kept in the freezer for hours because the skin under your eyes is uber sensitive, and applying an extremely cold spoon can cause you irritation. 
  1. Bad eyeliner is almost every person’s fear. Hence, we have a hack to resolve it. If you are a fan of liquid liner and desperately looking for one that lasts long, we got you covered. Dip a sharp eyeliner brush into any waterproof mascara of your choice and draw a line as per your face shape directly onto your upper lash line.

That is not it- we have numerous more beauty hacks to offer you. You can even read our past blogs to get a better brief about the different products we offer. We have even written blogs about the benefits of castor oil – check our website and get a better insight into the beauty world. 

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Skin Care Products Dubai

How To Grow Tresses With Natural Hair Remedies?

There is no denying that a good day calls for good tresses- and to do the same, there are numerous hair pressing and ironing that we have to go through every day. But this may leave you in a position where your hair gets messed up for the long-term hair journey. Then there comes a time in life when all you need is natural remedies Dubai to help your tresses to look healthy and beautiful again.

Honestly, by that time, you get exhausted of the phrase “you always want what you can not have,” “it is not possible to have beautiful and healthy tresses solely with natural hair care products,” “grass is always greener…” and numerous more. All these statements become even more complex to understand when it comes to your hair. Thin hair keeps us distant from all those earlobe-grazing, collarbone-popping bobs that we wanted from the college days of our lives.

The main reason we try and ignore the bobs is that we know it will take us nothing but several years to get back long tresses, or worse, we will have to keep holding onto sad, dead straw ends because we can not seem to part with the time spent on the growth.

We understand being left with short and thin hair can lead to sadness in your life, and the team at International Beauty Supplies LLC doesn’t want that for you. Therefore, we are here to help you understand how you can grow your hair solely with natural remedies.

Being in the industry for so long, we support a pretty positive spin about the idea of hair scarcity. We believe that grass is always greener where you water it. You may buy as many costly hair products Dubai you want to buy- at the end of the day it is mostly about taking care of yourself and nourishing from the inside out.

But before we brief you about the natural process of keeping your tresses healthy, you must understand that nothing on this planet can make your hair grow like crazy overnight. The natural process of growing hair requires consistency and patience.

Let us break it to you- even the tiniest of changes can tweak the time in that tresses grow. The vital step is to check in with your protein intake. To get healthy hair, you must check that you are intaking enough protein. You don’t know how to provide your body with it? The simplest way to do so is to intake Collagen hydrolysate, which is an easily digestible form of protein. The second basic thing to note is- there is skin under your hair and tons of tiny blood vessels.

We are again reminding to you because- appropriate head massage will leave you with ace blood circulation. You must seal the shaft and give some extra shine to your tresses by getting a cold rinse at the end of your shower. Please remember to check the quality of your water and never-ever brush your hair when they are wet- it can lead to high frizz and damage.

A weekly head massage can also lead to severe changes. At International Beauty Supplies LLC, we offer our valued clients the best natural black castor oil, and a head massage with castor oil will help your tresses recover from the damage fast and grow!

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Skin Care Products Dubai

Here Is How Hair Castor Oil Dubai Will Leave Your Tresses Thick!

Today, while combing tresses, various people get to witness solely a gob of their locks trapped in the comb. Let us know if this scenario sounds a little familiar. We are pretty sure that most of you must be familiar with the issue of thinning. Being in the industry for so long, we- International Beauty Supplies LLC are sure that it gets depressing to wake up and find loose strands all over your beds, couches, pillows, and more.

So, what is the solution? Our answer is- appropriate hair growth products Dubai. Yes, that is right. Investing in proper hair care products is the sole solution to help you fight all your tresses’ problems. There is no denying that it may add a little bit of time to your self-care regimen, but if you stay constant with it, you will see how it is worth each minute and penny.

Castor oil is one of the best when it comes to choosing the appropriate hair care products. Today, we- International Beauty Supplies LLC are here to brief you on how castor oil is one of the best if you are trying to grow out your tresses. You must understand that it should only get utilized with a carrier oil since castor oil separately is uber thick and sticky. If you wish to add gloss to your hair, know that castor oil is good at that too.

The miracle drug for hair or castor oil contains Ricinoleic acid and helps balance scalp pH levels. Apart from this, it also replenishes the scalp’s natural oils, reserving any damage caused by harsh hair products, and stimulates the scalp to enhance hair growth. Once this oil gets mixed with olive or coconut oil, things change like an overnight miracle. It can turn out to be a beautiful oil amalgamation that will help your tresses shine.

If you are still thinking about why it is essential to mix castor oil with some other oil, let us break it to you- it helps the oil thin out a bit, and head massages become a little more heavenly. The best way to apply this oil is to leave it on for an hour and shampoo it off. Once you start following it as a weekly routine, you will gradually witness the changes it will bring to your dull-looking hair- you would not ever wish to stop this routine.

So, if for a very long time you have been searching for a solution to add shine and make your hair more manageable, take a drop or two of the oil and smoothly apply it to the ends of your hair to get the best results. You can even put some of it on your eyebrows and eyelashes to grow them thick. If you are stressing thinking about where to find appropriate castor oil, do not worry. Come, connect with International Beauty Supplies LLC- we will offer you the best brands that too at budget-friendly prices. We have a great range of hair products Dubai– all you have to do is unearth and shop!

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Skin Care Products Dubai

Specifications Of Curl Butter Gel By International Beauty Supplies LLC!

There is no denying numerous people maintain a distance from curly hair products. Not one but many people get found saying that gel makes their tresses sticky, hard, slicked back, and crunchy. Who wants the hair to look that way? Be it male or female, at the end of the day- you want your curly hair to look soft and flowy. Now, many people, while reading, must be thinking that should they stop applying gel?

No, but you must apply curl butter gel in such a way that they don’t mess up your curls. Also, the trick to making your hair shine is, research a little about your scalp type before you start shopping. At International Beauty Supplies LLC, you will find a list of options. We offer hair products Dubai that will help your hair shine along with making them look bouncy. Continue reading to understand how appropriate hair products will lead to several advantages. 

First, you must understand applying appropriate hair care products will provide you with several advantages- 

  1. It will form a protective layer that will further help prevent frizz. 
  2. It will also help curls to clump together. 
  3. If you shop for the right products, you will surely get to protect curls by forming a cast around curl clumps till they get dry. 
  4. There are numerous curl butter gel present in the market- the right one will effortlessly define your curls, along with keeping them from opening up through the day. 
  5. You must try our range as we will provide you products that will hold to curls so they would not fall flat through the day. 

If you want to enhance the hold of your gel, you must follow the points mentioned below. Before you start following them blindly, you must understand that the below-written suggestions are only for when you want extra hold.

  1.  Consider applying gels to a little damp hair. But not dripping wet tresses. 
  2. Remove the extra water- try scrunching it out with a tee and reply a little gel once you get done doing it. 
  3. After that apply a little gel once again after your tresses are dry almost around 80%
  4. The step that you must follow is not to utilize creams or leave-in conditioners under your hair gel. 

Once you start following all these steps, you will precisely understand why it is essential to utilize hair gels every day. Don’t mistake yourself to think that we only have a range of curl creams- at International Beauty Supplies LLC- you will also get to explore different coconut products for hair

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Skin Care Products Dubai

All You Need To Know About Hair Serums!

Getting hands on the best hair serum can completely change your hair health. Same as a skin serum, the hair serum gets formulated with active components that penetrate deep into the hair. These serums are effective in controlling frizz, protecting the hair from environmental aggressions and setting hairstyles. Now, one might think- How is a serum different from oil?

Oils provide nourishment to the scalp, but serum works on the surface level. Serum can also act as a replacement for conditioners. Hair serum can get considered as a hair therapy. But, the results can only be visible if it gets used appropriately. Reading further will let you know how often you should use a serum for your hair. But, before that, let us see what it has to offer. 

Hair serum: A boon for your hair

  1. Stimulates hair growth- Pollution, heavy rains, and other factors can make your hair split and lifeless. Hair serum helps to fight all these external agents and revitalize your hair. Hair serums are also effective in starting the growth of new hair by triggering dead hair follicles. 
  1. Reduces hair fall- The active ingredients provide root strength which results in ensuring reduction of hair loss. Some serums also protect hair by layering them with silicone and providing a thick hair base. 
  1. Nourishes the hair roots- These serums reinvigorate the hair follicles and support the root strength of hair. They also supply minerals to the scalp for nourishment. 
  1. Retains and boosts shine- One of the most popular advantages of hair serums is that they instantly provide shine. They provide immediate brightness to the hair. 
  1. Helps to untangle- Travelling often leads to messy hair that gets tangled badly. Brushing hair full of knots can lead to breakage and the weakening of roots. Applying hair serum before untangling will make your brush glide smoothly through your hair. 
  1. Protection from heated styling- Blow drying, straightening, and other heated stylings lead to damaging of hair and make them look lifeless. Hair serums act as a protective layer in these cases and prevent hair from getting damaged. 

How often should you use hair serum?

We would not recommend daily use as excessive use can harm your hair health. You can use it for special occasions when you style your hair. Using it for untangling severe knots and for bad hair days can also gets considered. However, it also depends on the hair type and texture. 

So, pick the most suitable hair serums from us and bring back your healthy-looking tresses. At Inernational Beauty Supplies LLC, you can also find the best hair shampoo range and skincare products from the best moisture brand.

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Coconut Oil hair

Not Every Hair Conditioner Is Right For Your Hair Type!

Sometimes even the best hair conditioner can prove to be wrong for you. Because not every product is suitable for your hair type, and tragically most people are not even aware that every hair type requires a different conditioner. The various options available from popular brands might entice you to pick an attractive bottle instead of getting the beneficial one for your hair. A wrong pick can lead to weighing down your hair and make them static, dry and brittle. 

To get a suitable conditioner, you must know what job it has to perform. 

  • The prime job of a conditioner is to retain the lost moisture from shampooing. 
  • It smoothens the hair cuticles and reduces the tangling. 
  • It also makes the hair shine and reduces static, making hair more manageable. 

Now, you know what an ideal conditioner for your hair should do. Therefore, let us start with what conditioners are for your hair type and which ones to avoid. 

A guide to finding an appropriate conditioner

The prime rule to opt for an appropriate conditioner is to choose it based on the scalp condition. Hence, while browsing for a conditioner, first touch and feel your hair. Then, decide the hair type- dry, damaged, oily, lacking shine, brittle, limp etc. 

Conditioners for Oily, limp hair

Oily and greasy hair needs a conditioner that can reduce hair oil. Following are some points to help you choose the right ones and avoid the ones wrong for an oily scalp. 

  • Look out for conditioners that lighten, volumize, strengthen and balance the hair. Options with added protein can also be beneficial for oily hair as these products are less moisturizing and more effective at removing excess oil. 
  • Avoid conditioners having labels- hydrating, moisturizing, smoothing, suitable for curly hair. Such conditioners pack in too much moisture and cause hair to be limp. 

Magic tip- If you have fine and oily hair, try the reverse process- condition first and then use shampoo. 

For dry, damaged, dull or brittle hair

Conditioners can be a maker or a breaker of a good hair day. It all depends on choosing wisely. For dull, dry, damaged and brittle hair, a conditioner must prevent future damage too.

  • Hair that is a little dry requires a conditioner that promotes moisture, hydration, smoothening, and balancing. These products nourish hair without adding too much weight.
  • For more damaged hair, consider a harder punch. Pick conditioners with labels- repair, control frizz, suitable for highlighted hair, and protect from heat damage.
  • Severely damaged hair needs deep conditioners that will not only treat the hair now but will also prevent future damage. 
  • Labels to avoid- “strengthening,” “fortifying,” and “volumizing”.

Magic tip – Try our best brand Jamaican Black castor oil for nourishing damaged and dry hair. 

If you are looking out for conditioners from some of the best brands, we have just the right ones for you. Whatever be your hair type, we offer some of the best products to treat your hair. Our offerings also include the best hair lotion and other hair care products from top brands. 

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Coconut Oil hair

How Can Our Jamaican Castor Oil Products Be A Treat For Your Skin?

Jamaican castor oil gets appreciated as the best black castor oil. But, why? The beneficial ingredients of this oil make it miraculous. It is popularly getting used for several years due to its numerous benefits for the skin. After spending so many years in the industry, we believe in the magic of Jamaican oil and therefore present some of the best brand for Jamaican black castor oil. Let us see how our Jamaican castor oil products can be a treat for your skin. 

Goodbye skin problems

1. Get rid of acne- Acne is a common skin issue faced by numerous due to hormonal changes, stress and other environmental factors. Even after being quite common, acne can affect one’s self-confidence. Hence, it must get treated. Several users feel that Jamaican black castor oil helps in getting rid of acne. Cleansing face with this miraculous oil can work wonders for acne. It withdraws dirt, excess oils, dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin to avoid acne. The oil also purifies the skin by penetrating without clogging the pores. 

2. Keeps signs of ageing away- Ageing is a phase of life that no one likes to experience. But it will happen anyway. Ageing is not bad. But when signs get seen too early, it can get disturbing for a person. The changing environment, increasing pollution, and several other aspects are leading numerous people to face the signs of ageing early. The extraordinary emollient properties of Jamaican black castor oil make it capable of fighting the signs of ageing. Regularly applying the oil moisturizes the skin and give a younger-looking face. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles. 

3. Soft lips- One of the first things one notices are the lips. Hence, they must look healthy. Whether we speak about the weather or other factors like dehydration can result in chapped lips. The hydrating properties of Jamaican black castor oil can help retain soft and healthy lips. It nourishes the lips and brings back the lost moisture. 

4. Treats skin infections- Jamaican castor oil gets well-appreciated for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. These properties help the oil to treat several skin infections. This oil also possesses properties to stop the spread of bacteria. Being 100% natural, Jamaican oil gets directly absorbed by the skin and enhance blood flow and circulation. Skin issues like moles, cysts, and fungal infections of toenails or fingernails can get treated by applying Jamaican oil. It is also effective for treating yeast infections, sunburns, and ringworm infections. 

5. Help in healing scars- Scars, at times, can trigger one’s self-confidence. Jamaican black castor oil is a reliable solution to heal scars. It discourages new skin growth, removes scar tissue, and smoothens the fibrous tissue making scars less noticeable.  

Jamaican black castor oil does not only has offerings for the skin but is also a boon for hair and overall health. To let you benefit from these advantages of the oil, we present the best black castor oil for hair, skin and health.

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Coconut Oil hair

Jamaican Black Castor Oil | Best Benefits of This Oil

Being one of the most trusted beauty products suppliers in Dubai, we suggest including castor oil and related products in your life. Castor oil gets extracted from the beans of the Ricinus communis plant. The plant is native to tropical areas of Africa and Asia. The multi-purpose oil is getting used for thousands of years due to its numerous healing properties. Castor oil gets popularly known for its benefits for the skin. It gets included in numerous moisturizers as it acts as skin’s sebum, hence gets deeply absorbed. 

Numerous of you must be familiar with the benefits and extraction process of castor oil. But have you ever heard about Jamaican Black Castor oil? 

Yes, the two are different. 

Castor oil gets extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant by cold pressing its beans. But, the extraction process of Jamaican castor oil is much different. For this, the seeds first get roasted and then they get pulverized in a mortar. After this, water gets added, and the beans get mashed and slow-boiled on a wood fire. It results in an unadulterated, thick, pungent-smelling, dark brown Jamaican black castor oil. 

Some more differences

Now, one might feel that the two get differentiated only based on their extraction process. But, there are some more differences to get considered in the list. 

  1. The Processing Way- The extraction process of Castor oil involves commercial processing, while Jamaican castor oil uses traditional processing. The former gets produced by cold pressing castor beans, and some manufacturers might include certain chemicals in the process. But, Jamaican castor oil uses the traditional procedure. It involves roasting of the beans and resulting in an oil that smells burnt. The extraction process of Jamaican oil gets considered pure and results in a superior oil in terms of nutritional content. 
  1. Colour- The different processing methods also results in varying colours of the two oil. Castor oil is pale yellow. On the other hand, Jamaican castor oil is dark brown or black due to the heating procedure used in the extraction. 
  1. pH Level- The processing method of castor seeds determines the pH level of the oil. Castor oil is acidic, while Jamaican castor oil is alkaline as it is the ashes of the beans.  

The source of both the oils are the same, yet they differ in several aspects. Not only in their processing and appearance but the two even differ in their benefits. Although they share all the advantages, the benefits of Jamaican castor oil are more pronounced. The benefits of castor oil have convinced us to provide the world with some of the best castor oil products. 

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Curls Cream Products | Curl Up With International Beauty Supplies LLC!

When you are searching for curls cream products, there are a few essential components. All the curl products should hydrate and bounce to limp, dry strands.

Being in the beauty industry for some time now- we- International Beauty Supplies LLC get celebrated in the market for offering the best products to our valuable clients. When it comes to curling products, you must look for something that provides enough slip to detangle, and it has to keep your curls tight and in place.

Shop from us, as we can help you bring back the best Curl Butter Gel for hair that will help you reclaim soft, bouncy, happy curls for life. We will offer you creams that get infused with the right amount of natural ingredients. 

At International Beauty Supplies LLC, you will also find hair creams that will effortlessly reduce frizz. Yes, you read that right. It may sound unreal to you, but we do have all-in-one creams that carry the potential of reducing frizz, adding shine, and defining curls with long-lasting hold.

Shop for our curl styling cream and witness how a little goes a long way to make your curls pop. Following are some of the essential features of our cream products. 

  1. Our hair creams get infused with the goodness of natural products that are appropriate for your hair growth and protection. 
  2. They will make your tresses look hydrated and touchably soft all day long. 
  3. We also offer cruelty-free products. 
  4. Our products are mostly free from moisture-stripping chemicals. 

International Beauty Supplies LLC has always been passionate about creating a perfect hair care solution for your curls. We know that curls carry the potential of being an avant-garde asset, and it needs to get celebrated in their best form.

If you want our experts will also brief you about the specifications of different products. If you have an oily scalp, we will offer you curly hair products that will give hair the perfect texture that won’t leave a greasy feeling.

Natural Remedies Dubai | Natural Hair Day Makes All The Difference

You must have heard numerous people say- a good hair day makes a huge difference. We- International Beauty Supplies LLC know that not all of us get blessed with good natural hair. We also know that not all remedies are easy to perform. Hence, we offer natural remedies Dubai in the form of products. Trust us when we say that these products are not only easy to use but also results giving. Hair is delicate, and therefore- it is essential to look for a safe brand that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals. You don’t have to go through numerous rounds of experimentation to find the right brand for your hair type. As we- International Beauty Supplies LLC are there for you to help.

We have always believed in the saying that the most expensive does not always mean better. Hence, we offer our clients with natural remedies Dubai for their tresses within their price range. We offer products from ace brands, like- As I Am, Aunt Jackie’s, Camille Rose, Cantu, CurlEssence- Keracare, Maxilline, and numerous more!

Our advice to you will be- no matter which brands you plan to buy from us, ensure to give your natural hair at least two weeks to acclimate if you are switching from a traditional shampoo and conditioner. Here is a tip for you to hold onto lifetime- it takes a bit of time for your scalp to regulate its oil production after years of using cleansers that strip your strands with every wash. So, it is best to stay calm and give your beautiful natural hair some time to heal. Shop the best hair care brand products from International Beauty Supplies LLC and see how you get rewarded with softer, healthier hair!

Apart from offering the best products for shiny natural hair, we can also help you with natural remedies Dubai.

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